What a week, but such a good week. Amid all the shouting from an anxious Keith on the shed roof (he hates heights) we have progressed well and now we have a (hopefully!) water tight construction. It is due rain tomorrow so we shall see...
The weather this week has been generally very good although the wind did continue to disrupt our roofing work on the shed. When the wind was strong we concentrated on the foundations for the house. As we had dug so deep to reach bedrock, we now are tasked with packing the trenches with hardcore and whacking it with "Tyson" to make it solid. Ben is such a big help with these tasks as he is so much stronger than us. Both he and I have been wheelbarrowing loads of hardcore into the gaping holes and Ben has helped Keith lift Tyson in and out of the trenches to compact it. Load after load we tipped into the holes and the ground level has gradually been raised back up. Soon we will be able to start our stepped concrete footings - hopefully with some island help!
The shed has progressed well and by Friday we finished the panelling. It felt like a breakthrough and that the end was in sight, but of course there is still a lot to do - various flashings, cutting out the windows and door and putting in the roller door. All this can wait though until we are happy with the progress of the house foundations.
The insulated roof panels were a nightmare. They take two people to lift them and are 3.2m x 1.10m. Keith devised a type of pulley system using ratchet straps and an old drain pipe (with a cutout) to pull the panels up over the eves without scratching them. I was on the ropes and Keith lifted the panels from the other side. Joyous! We had a couple of mishaps when the pipe came off and now have a few scratched roof panels, but nothing too awful and no injuries. We can live with this and it is, after all, just a shed.
On Wednesday, Ben pitched up for work looking a bit sheepish and wearing a cap. I immediately knew something was up and after a bit of persuasion he removed the cap to reveal a pretty dreadful DIY haircut. A friend had cut a chunk out of the front of his hair and he had tried to sort it out - leaving a mass of curls at the back. (Sorry no photos of this allowed!) He asked me if I’d help as his Mum and sister were arriving later that day. At the end of the day, I tried to sort it out but unfortunately our clippers ran out of power. So poor Ben had to meet his Mum with half a haircut. At least the half haircut was a significant improvement on what he started out with.
I had the most fabulous swim with my neighbour Liz on Thursday. The water was actually quite warm for Scotland and a seal joined us too. Liz and I were in the water for over 25 minutes...amazing.
Our plans to have a quick shower and an early night on Thursday were scuppered when we agreed to pop in to see the new Cliad caravan. What should have been a quick drink turned into a fab impromptu soirée. Romayne produced some refreshing (and robust!) rum punch cocktails and Alex and Olivia cooked a delicious supper. We then all headed to the caravan for more drinks round a fire. Such a blast!
On Friday, after a hard day's work went to the Coll Island Cafe for their pizza night. Delicious as ever. A relatively early night as we were all exhausted from the night before.
We have been very sociable this week and last night we had friends round for a simple caravan supper. It was lovely and John and Alison arrived with beautiful flowers from their garden and delicious green beans which we are having for supper tonight. Yum yum. Early night tonight though!!
The lure of Wimbledon and the British and Irish Lions tour have finally prompted us to get a TV. We've been very happy without one for the last 4 months but it is a welcome addition. Keith bought a 12v TV so he can run it on the marine batteries as well as from Lenny. He also got a satellite dish and installed it himself. He used to work for Sky so he knows his way around a satellite system... or so he said! The first attempt produced 904 German channels ... wrong satellite! He did finally lock on to Astra 2 though so I'm looking forward to some tennis this week!
One final sunset before I go (we braved the midgies for this pic!!), have a great week everyone x
Great progress, it may be Just a shed but it is one hell of a shed.....
Fab you are able to socialise a bit more....too much...but still making progress, well done both and Ben. Hear more next week, will chat one day this week.
Cheers Neil C.
Such a delight for a Sunday evening to read about all your exploits. It used to be Mondays were the anticipated arrival of the Vlog so the early recent Sunday arrivals by ethernet have added a frisson of excited viewing of a Sunday evening. My most strenuous activity over the past week has been to water my 150 tomato and basil and herb plants from the Canadian heatwave and drink relaxing beers whilst watching the workers replace the whole facing of our property including a new upper deck and all windows and doors. It takes lots of excellent beers to watch Long live your superb vlogs. Aye, Neil