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Day 7 - Sunday 21st March - Unexpected Water Feature!

We woke up feeling smug. This was not going to be as hard as we had thought. A couple of days and we could be pouring concrete. Hopes of this were dashed when we went outside to discover that our furrow was in fact now a water feature. It was full of water. I quickly realised that the water level in the drain behind it was higher than even the now filled trench. What a clot! That was entirely predicable.

The options to drain the water were bleak. The existing drain ran over bedrock so could not be lowered without special machinery. We knew we already had another issue with one of the open drains which had unfortunately been dug under the location of the porch of the house. Ultimately this needed re-routing so we decided to try to kill two birds with one stone.

So after a few frantic calls (thanks Chris!!) to validate our plan, we set about digging a new drain. We expected to have problems and we did. Feckin bedrock!! Luckily there was only one seam and we managed to scrape around and find a low enough route to allow a flow. We checked relative levels with “Hughey” (our Huepar laser level) as we went. We didn’t finish the drain but we overcame the main issue. Tomorrow we would connect it and see what happens.

Julia tried out the gas oven for the first time and we had our first “caravan Sally sourdough”. Really good it was too. So we can also bake bread - another milestone!

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